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[ written 1/25/23 & 5/3/23 final edit 5/5/23]

Viewing life through the lens of insecurity will cause us to see people who have what we need as a threat and not as the asset they are meant to be. Insecurities will cause us to drive people away who were sent to assist us in becoming (more) secure with what we’re insecure about. We drive away the people sent to be our strength in areas where we are weak.

Our insecurities cloud our judgement and can make us more susceptible to deception.

This is why we need to have discernment and wisdom about who to have in our circle. Some of us have given full access to predators and we welcome them into our lives and homes as “friends”. They’ve come with the intent to steal, kill and destroy us as they prey on our insecurities and manipulate us while so called “praying” for us. They feed our ego and puff up our pride. We become dependent upon them while they take advantage of us. They even turn us against those who are genuine in our lives, isolating us from safety and security. Resulting in our inability to distinguish the fake from the real, discern their preying upon from those who pray for us, thus leaving us defenseless.

Our insecurities lie to us and cause us to have a distorted view of ourselves and the world around us. We view someone else’s authenticity as competition instead of inspiration to be our authentic self.

It is our responsibility to expose our insecurities and to uproot them. It is important for us do the work to uncover the root of our insecurities. Why? Because we’ll eventually find out that what we’re insecure about is really an asset not a deficit or a hindrance. Our insecurities can turn out to be a blessing that we considered to be a curse.

Until we do the work and get to the root of our insecurities, we might think we’re hiding them well but we’re not. We’ve convinced ourselves that no one can see them but they can. Our insecurities show up at the most inopportune times and sing louder our confidence ever could. Not to mention, those who have done the work, can see them from afar.

Ask me how I know.

Godspeed 🙏🏾💛🌻


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