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the gift of time

Monday 12/11/23 5:29am - Journal Entry

One of the songs that we used to sing in church growing up was, “I woke up this morning with my mind, stayed on Jesus.” I believe during the civil rights movement, they changed Jesus to freedom. So they sang, “I woke up this morning with my mind, stayed on freedom.”

Well, I woke up this morning with my mind on time. Christmas is literally two weeks from today. A lot of people are scrambling and rushing to find the gifts or the money to buy the gifts for the people they love. The reality is that there are a lot of people who won’t make it to see December 25, 2023. I know a lot of us have experienced so much loss within the past three years, and truly just in life in general💔

I’m just here to remind you that the gift you can give is your time. The gift of time is irreversible and irreplaceable. A lot of us regret the time that we spent doing things that, in retrospect, we feel were a waste of time. I’m just saying, we don’t have to wait until Christmas to tell our family that we love them and to spend time with them. Time is the most precious and priceless gift that we could ever give.

So, even if you can’t spend time in person, I encourage you to take the time to send a text, write a letter, make a phone call, do a video chat, take the time to say hello, laugh and smile. Send a, “I was just thinking about you,” text to someone who you haven’t heard from in a while.

They say, “You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Unfortunately, the same goes for time. There are no refunds with time so we should probably spend the time we have wisely, at least from this day forward. I don’t fail to recognize that God can redeem our time, I’m so grateful for his grace and mercy. And unless he does it, there is no going back in time to redo, fix, undo what is already been done.

If every material thing passes away, one thing that we will have is the memory of the time we shared with each other. cue Michael Jackson’s Remember the Time 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 - sorry I couldn’t help myself lol.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of this season, I pray we all remember that our time together is the most precious gift that we have and I pray we are all able to spend it wisely. Christmas 2021, I remember telling people that my presence was the present they'd receive. I said it jokingly but I was very serious because being present in the moment and spending time together, is not only my love language (quality time) but also a priceless gift to cherish.

Who will you share your gift of time with today?

Godspeed 💛


P.S. To the person who read this post and wants to comment, “If you don’t have any money, then just say that,“ I’m just here to remind you that being petty is ugly and it’s not biblical (unless it is), but we all know that God don’t like ugly. LOL

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