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Written: July 9, 2023

When my husband and I do street ministry, while waiting for someone to “stop for prayer” as our signs say, I usually walk along the shoulder of the road praying in the Holy Ghost. If not that, then I’ll sing, listen to music or just pray whatever is on my heart. This past Friday, all I could say was, “Thank You, Lord” over and over again. I usually say thank you Lord for _______, inserting a specific thing like my family, strength in my body, thank you for Lord for being my healer, provider, protector, etc.

But this time all I could say was, “Thank you, Lord” continuously.

*Sharing music is one of my love languages, that's why there are so many videos on this post (and embedded) today!

Last night I dreamt about several childhood friends that I’ve known through church, school, work and college (from Europe and the U.S.). I woke up with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for everyone who I’m still connected with throughout life’s transitions, changes and overall journey. To be blessed to grow with people and have a genuine connection with them is really something I value!

Then, this morning I opened my Glorify App and my bonus goal was “Thank God for Gratitude”.

The first question asked was, “What are you grateful for today?” and man I got chills! Whew! When I tell you that “an attitude of gratitude” shifts your mindset for the better, especially in the midst of trials and the difficult times that life brings, I really mean it!

I pray that in the midst of whatever life throws you today or tomorrow and throughout whatever you’re already fighting and persevering through, may you experience the peace of God through your gratitude. May you give thanks to him for what he has already done for you and given you. That your faith may be built back up, as you believe God to do and be exactly what you need now and in the future.

I know that in dark and difficult times, it is easier to focus what you don’t have, what you are in need of and what was taken from you or lost - BUT! All is not lost! This is not the end! Your current situation is not the final and permanent destination for your life. 🎶 It won’t always be like this

This is one of my favorite songs and I love this version verus the studio version. I guess it's because I heard it first and I love the vibe.

"O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: For his mercy endureth for ever." Psalm 107:1

Godspeed 💛


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