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life is a gift

While searching through some of my older writings, I came across a poem I wrote the day after Nipsey Hussle was murdered. I'm ashamed to admit that I did not know who he was until his passing. For some reason his death impacted me in a way that made me look at life differently.

This poem is also featured in my book poetry, Simply Thoughts: A Dairy of Thoughts, Reflection and Poetry

James 4:14 tells us that life is but a vapor - "whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away" (NKJV). Nipsey's sudden and shocking death was a harsh reminder to me that my life and the lives of my loved ones and friends could be taken away at any moment. This is not meant to scare you. I can see how it is a scary reality to live with though. Any moment could be our last. Our last interaction with someone, our last phone call, text, hug, last words, last video and even last picture.

Unfortunately, COVID19 was and continues to be a reminder to us all that the human life is fragile, we can be here today and gone tomorrow.

no matter how recent or how long ago the loss

when the waves of grief wash over us

I pray that we ride each wave and allow the tears to flow

if they begin in sorrow may they end in joy

through our loss, may we embrace the fullness of life's experiences

continuing the legacies of ones we've lost

forever in our hearts and always on our minds

may we always find a reason to live

if not for ourselves, then for them

I pray for God's strength, comfort and peace

as we release our loved ones and give them back to him

back to the creator is where we all begin

#simplyarirenee September 2, 2023

Simply Thoughts Podcast - Episode 1: Life is a Gift initially released December 23, 2020

So what do we do? Do we live life paranoid and fearful of death because any moment could be out last? Do we live life with the revelation that it is a gift? What do we do with gifts? Usually, we cherish them and are appreciative of them. I pray to live each day with the freedom and reverence of the fact that it could be my last. I know, nobody wants to die (including me) and we truly don't want anyone we love to die. However, I know that we are more than aware that death is not only inevitable but simply a part of life because sin is in the world.

Where there is sin, there is death. Where there is life, there is hope.

I pray that we recognize and take advantage of the blessing we've been given by waking up each day. I know that life is not always the best, at times life really sucks and living is hard to do. Many of us have dark days and nights that we wish would go away and many of us struggle with maintaining our will to live.

I pray God gives us the strength to hold on each day, so we can take it one day at a time, hour by hour, minute by minute and second by second.

I pray we are surrounded by a community who knows us, sees us and accepts us for who we are. May we connect with the appropriate resources to give us the tools and strategies needed to live life. Lastly, may we as God's children experience his peace and love each day to remind us that our lives are worth living.

As I said in my poem,

Every moment is a gift.

Seconds matter.

Use them wisely.

Proceed with love.



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