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death & life

To speak a blessing

The blessing flows through me

And is manifested outwardly

But must first pass through me

It begins with me

To speak life

Is to eat life

Is to become life

Is to live life

Thus we live

To speak a curse

The curse flows through me

And is manifested outwardly

But must first pass through me

It begins with me

To speak death

Is to eat death

Is to become death

Is to die

Thus we die

What are we killing with our words?

Who are we killing with our words?

Before they reach the intended target, our words must first pass the speaker

What have we spoken life to that needs to be put to death?

What have we killed with our words that needs life?

Who have we killed with our words, when they needed words of life?

in time, we will know by the fruit

death comes from the the bitter root

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

I've said this on Facebook & Instagram so it must be said on the blog ...

- What we SAY not only matters to us, but it also impacts the world around us.

- When we speak life over ourselves, we’re also speaking life over those who will come in contact with us.

- When we speak healing over ourselves, we’re also speaking healing over those who will come in contact with us.

Our tongues hold great power

Your tongue holds great power

My tongue holds great power

Our tongues hold great responsibility

Your tongue holds great responsibility

My tongue holds great responsibility

When I speak, I speak on the behalf of the generations that shall come from my womb. Their destiny is birthed from inside of me. For life is what I breathe. Life is what I give. Life is what I speak.

Our voices carry a choice.

Your voice carries a choice.

My voice carries a choice.

Your voice is the sound that was sent forth to loose chains and break curses. Even your whisper delivers souls and makes broken pieces whole.

That is the authority within you. within us. within me.


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Nov 12, 2023

Wow! I am amazed at your talent of turning the truth of God’s word into poetry! So beautifu! I am now a subscriber.

Ariel Evans
Ariel Evans
Nov 12, 2023
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Aww 🥰 thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words💛 thank you for subscribing! I pray you’re blessed by what you read!!!

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