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the beautiful thing about life

The beautiful thing about life is that our journey allows us to cross paths. Along those paths we make connections, some seasonal and others lifelong. No matter how long that connection lasts, you will always be a part of someone’s journey.

I think it’s important to remember that healing, growth, maturity, and transformation allow us to evolve on this journey. They are vital components to our survival in life. We all have growth spurts and leaps at different times and in different ways. We don’t have to understand or agree with how growth looks for someone to support their journey and they don’t need our consent, approval, or confirmation in their process.

It’s personal. Your personal journey. I can’t grow for you and you can’t grow for me. I can’t control or manipulate your growth and you can’t control or manipulate mine.

While on this journey, it is disheartening and honestly ignorant to believe that someone will not succeed in life because their life is no longer connected to yours. How else did YOU evolve and grow? It required you to leave the known and venture into the unknown. To release connections of the past to connect to your future and be who you are today. This is a continuous process because growth, just like healing, is not linear.

Throughout the growth process, it is natural to grieve the loss of what was, who you were, and who you were connected to. It’s okay to grieve what was while simultaneously being excited for what is to come. Grief and joy can coexist.

I find it immature and selfish to discount someone’s journey because it required them to grow away from you and not with you.

We are all at different stages in our growth process, which requires us to do different things. Wherever our journeys take us, if our paths cross for a moment or a lifetime, it has been an honor and a privilege to connect with you.

To grow with me or grow away from me, I bid you

Godspeed 🦋🌻💛


“I am discovering who I am beyond who I have been” @morganharpernichols

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