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another beautiful thing about life

Late Night Journal Entry 🌻from 12/11/22

When I make a statement that begins with, “I feel like all women should___” or “I feel like everyone should_____” it’s coming from a place of “I did ____ and it worked for me, so I think you should try it, too”. However, I understand that just because it worked for me doesn’t mean that, “my way is the only way and if you’re different, you’re wrong”.

I think we (as humans) sometimes forget that our path is OUR path. Our story is OUR story. Our testimony is OUR testimony. The differences between us are not an indication of right vs wrong. Our differences are like the individual colors that come together to form the rainbow. There is a color or two for you (there’s obviously more… stay with me) but also you don’t have to limit yourself or anyone else to your personal experiences or the experiences of others.

There are some things that may be unique to us and our personal experiences and there are things that will be beneficial to others when we share. All of which is valid and worth sharing.

I pray we start to realize this and move in a manner that is accepting to the experience, perspective and journey of others without threatening, bullying, alienating or casting people aside because they didn’t do what we did or do it how we did it.

Let your story be your story and let their story be theirs. That’s one of the beauties of the human experience - we’re uniquely intertwined with incredible similarities that show our connection and individuality. #iloveithere

Pieces of you reflect that of me

While also allowing our individuality to shine

One is not greater than the other

We are not here to compare or compete

These shared experiences between my sisters and brothers

Can exist in perfect harmony

My success is not to threaten yours

Learn to challenge insecurities

From which jealousy pours

I need you and you need me

So let’s come together

For the beautiful impossibilities

Part 2 💛

Be careful of those who mask manipulation as wisdom. Plainly, some manipulate others to get them to do what they want them to do but call it wisdom, advice, or even a warning. This goes back to, “I did ____ this way and this way is the right way.” Listen, just because it brought them success doesn’t mean “that way” or “their way” is for you. Proceed with caution. Some even go as far as taking the word of God out of context and weaponizing it against you. Take heed.

I’m not saying forsake wise counsel. I’m saying use your discernment to know what is wise counsel and what is not. This takes time and trial and error honestly, because you really don’t think/feel anyone would steer you the wrong direction or attempt to manipulate you for personal gain. But they will. Not all but some will.

We all want to live a life that’s pleasing to God, right? So we must not confuse pleasing man or obeying man with obeying God. I have made decisions in life that didn’t make any sense to anyone but because God told me to do it, I did it. It’s scary going against the grain but in my experience, that’s where God has met me - in my defiance of the norm or expectation, I found myself submitting to his will for my life.

Personally, the people pleasing tendencies within me lead to me disregarding my intuition and personal thoughts and emotions to cater to the needs and wants of others because I want to obey and do what is right. I say again, obeying man (and their wisdom, advice, etc) no matter the authority figure or power is not always equivalent to obeying God. Trust Him. Trust His Spirit and you’ll always be where you’re supposed to be.

Be not afraid of their faces, responses or opinions - if God is leading you, regardless of how it looks and feels … remember he’ll NEVER lead you astray. He’ll send you the people, resources and community to support you through every season of your life. Sometimes they’re the people you least expect and that leaves you to grieve those who you expected in that time.

But that’s another journal entry for a different time.

Godspeed 💛🌻


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