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end of trail

When transitioning from one task to the next, from one job to another, from the season you’re currently in to the one to come, does it come with a warning sign for the end of your trail?

Do you know when time is winding down for you? Have you ever felt the pull or even the push to do more but you’re not quite sure what the “more” is?

You know there is life beyond this current moment, beyond this current season or situation in your life but you don’t know what is next or how to get there? Have you ever been excited for a new beginning while also being equally terrified of the newness?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re likely currently in or getting ready to embark on the journey of transitioning from your present state to your future.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:
  1. Do I feel fulfilled in what I am currently doing?

  2. Am I afraid of change because I am afraid of failing or even succeeding this time?

  3. What about my life currently leaves me feeling empty, lost or like, “there must be more to life than this”?

  4. What exactly do I want?

  5. What do I not want?

Do you feel uncomfortable in a space that you once thrived in? Uncomfortable, as in your favorite pair of shoes no longer fit and it’s time to let them go, but you’re having a hard time accepting your feet grew. I mean, you danced many of nights in these shoes, you walked many of miles in these shoes, these shoes kept your feet warm and protected from wind, rain, snow, and sand. And yet, you woke up one day and they don’t fit the same. You can’t dance as freely as you used to in them. They’re worn out and no amount of glue can keep the soles together anymore. They’re hard to walk in. Yet, they hold such fond memories for you.

I say keep the memories and let them go! It’s easier said than done, I know. It's hard to accept you’re actively outgrowing them or have already had your last dance in them. Yet, it feels like you just got them yesterday, but now it's time to let them go.

As we grow, we must let things go. Maybe those “shoes” are your job, a friend, an environment … something that you’ve worked so hard for and committed to and now it’s time to say goodbye because what once supported, fed, and kept you, no longer does so in a manner that is necessary for your future.

Sometimes it is hard to admit, accept and make the decision to move on.

So, would you rather have your journey end abruptly and immediately or see it coming (somewhat) a far off to prepare for your departure? Either way, believe it or not, you are/were being prepared the entire time.

I’ve learned, when approaching the end of a season, all of the signs are there. The question is, do I see the signs? And when I see them - even when I don’t understand - do I obey God in what he’s telling me to do or do I ignore the signs?

There are many reasons why we ignore the signs or struggle to accept them.

Here are my personal reasons for why I struggled with accepting the end of a season for myself:

1. I didn’t feel like I was ready

2. I did not / could not imagine life beyond my current circumstances, even though where I was no longer served as a safe space and a place of growth

3. I was afraid to a.) fail and b.) be wrong

4. and finally, God, why now?

*Bonus* Where am I going if this is the end of this season for me? Where do I go from here?

I’ve learned that in the midst of those questions, the Holy Spirit was and is ever present to confirm the signs and lead and guide me through it all. It's my job to hear, accept and obey what he tells me. It’s important to take heed to his voice and not the voice of people, especially in a time of transition. Why? Because, it is (continuous) training for me to lean and depend on God for myself and not seek confirmation or validation from others *as a former people-pleaser THIS is hard*.

Be cautious of seeking confirmation from people who were not given the task that God has given you. You might be convinced or manipulated into doing the opposite of what God said to do because others say so. If this is the case, then we will have to answer to God for our disobedience to him. Check out 1 Kings 13:11-34 for reference regarding being disobedient to God's instruction.

*Wise counsel is needed in all stages of the journey, allow God to lead you to the wise … not who is wise in man’s eyes*

I’ve prayed this prayer for many years, “Lord, I want to live a life that is pleasing to you and not to man.” Why? Because God never fails and his plans for me a good. Man on the other hand? Not so much. During times of transition, it is important to seek God's will for our lives, if we truly want him to order our steps and live a life that is pleasing to him.

And also... be careful what you pray for. As a result of this prayer, God increased my wisdom, discernment and sensitivity to his voice. I continue to learn how to distinguish his voice from others who may mean well but their opinions and advice might not always in align with what God told me to do.

I understand the fear of being/feeling alone in the process of doing what God tells me to do because it’s rarely (more like close to never) what others are doing. However, I’ve found that when I obey and do it anyways (“do it scared,” they say) I realize that I’m right where I’m supposed to be with who I’m supposed to be with.

If no one but God confirms what he told you to do, will you still do it?

If He gave you the vision, why become frustrated when others can’t see?

Be not weary, your end of trail is a new beginning.

So, will you trust God’s voice with your “End of Trail” warning? Or will you prolong your journey on the trail? Because it doesn’t “make sense “ and you don’t understand why.

At some point, I will share my story and testimony of the times I’ve had to trust God’s “End of Trail” warning for my life, but for now I encourage you to read about our brother Abraham in Genesis 12 and see what he did when God told him it was the end of his trail and time ta go ✌🏾

I'm just here to remind you to be patient with yourself as your transition from this season to the next.

Your future self is not threatened by your past, but your present must not sabotage the future for fear of it.



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