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Thank You, Tim Ross

Before beginning this post, I would like to state that I am a basement dweller and that I love The Basement Podcast with Tim Ross. I tend to watch on YouTube or listen to this podcast while walking on the treadmill, making bracelets, doing dishes and other chores around my home.

I must admit, I don’t watch the podcasts in order of which they come out. I know that it’s the Holy Spirit who leads me to listen to certain episodes at a specific time no matter how old or how recent they are. Every time I listen, I am able to hear something that ministers to me in a way that I have not been ministered to before. Basically, Tim and his guests speak to me in a way that is relevant to me and my life's current circumstances or season. I gain something new every single time I listen.

I’d also like to admit that this "thank you note" was initially written in my notes app while I walked on the treadmill and did speech to text on my iPhone. Sometimes you have to write what you want to say in the very moment that you think it, so that is what I did.

With that being said, I would like to say thank you to Tim Ross.

Thank you, Tim Ross for your transparency, vulnerability, and honesty on your podcast. Thank you for being relatable, real, and raw with your emotions, opinions, thoughts and feelings. I have not had the opportunity to meet you yet, but I am able to see that you are authentically yourself in every room you step in. I can tell that as a result of your authenticity and willingness to be open about your journey, you also encourage others to do the same when they come on your podcast. God has truly blessed you with the gift of vulnerability, and I pray that you continue to see it as a super power.

Thank you, Tim Ross for openly speaking on topics that I’ve only spoken to God about. Thank you for having discussions with your guests that I’ve only had with my best friend or my husband. Thank you for creating a space for humans to just simply be human and to express human emotion.

Around the 15 minute mark on the episode with Dr. Jenna Mountain and for about 5 minutes, you explain the difference between western thinking and eastern thinking. You explained that western thinking is basically from point A to point B. Eastern thinking is more of a spiral and while going through the spiral, we circle around topics or issues multiple times. Each time from a different perspective because we are learning something new, growing, getting a deeper understanding and ultimately seeing the issue from different angles until we spiral down to a conclusion.

I must admit that I have not finished this episode of the podcast yet, because at that point my workout was over. Literally hours after watching the pod, your words came back to my remembrance. I was inadvertently asked why certain topics resurface in my writing. I realized that each time I discuss a specific topic, I have a newfound perspective due to the healing work that I have done with the help of therapy, the Holy Spirit, my husband and close friends.

Tim, I want to thank you for thinking the way you think, and for not being afraid to share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions as you evolve in life. As a result of you simply explaining western versus eastern thinking, I was able to find the language that I needed to better understand myself and my thought process.

May God continue to give you the wisdom, discernment, peace, and grace that you need to continue to be who he created you to be. May God allow you to continue to make divine connections with people. May he pour back into you everything you have poured out and given us.

Thank You, Tim Ross.



P.S. I’ll be sure to finish the pod with you and Dr. Jenna LOL.

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