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It’s ME! I’m the problem

[ written 1/25/23 ]

I posted this on Instagram in May of this year. I feel like my blog is good place to release this piece as well, so to close out this month, I'm here to admit, it's me! I AM the problem!

When something goes wrong and doesn’t work out and EVERY TIME it’s someone else’s fault and I don’t take responsibility for my actions and role, guess what?! Hello, it’s ME! I’m the problem!

If I don’t hold myself accountable and have an honest self-reflection and it’s always everyone else and never me! Guess what?! IT IS ME, I’m the problem!

BOOM 💥 shots fired BANG ‼️ at MYSELF!

Say it with me “Hi, my name is _____ and I’ve been lying to myself, pretending to be in denial and blaming people for issues I caused! My issues are deeply rooted in insecurities and immaturity. I’m the culprit! I’m the drama. It’s me!”

I pray we stop lying to ourselves and look at ourselves in the mirror 🪞 without the mask of lies and admit we’re not perfect little angels and everyone in the world is

NOT against us because they’re jealous of us and want what we have 🤣🤣🤣 yeah right! Listen, I’m not so special to think that everyone wants to be me or wants what’s mine! Be for real, that is utterly ridiculous 😂😂😂

Wake Up. Grow Up. And Hold Yourself Accountable- Take Responsibility For Your Actions before Your Actions have you tearing down the people who were sent to build you up!

Now that I've gotten that off my chest...

Godspeed 🙏🏾💛


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