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"Grief is a mighty wave that can wash up on the shores of everyday, no matter how long it's been since the loss."

I began my journal today with saying,

I'm sure there's no way to prepare for or predict what life will be like without a loved one, especially your child.

I'm sure no parent expects to witness their child's last breath, while in the same lifetime of witnessing their first.

I'm sure that our 'thoughts and prayers' are needed daily not just on birthdays, holidays or anniversaries of their passing.

may God continue to be your soothing balm

as your comfort

may you always feel safe in his arms

never pressured or rushed to let go or move on

he is the only one who can fill this void

please do not avoid his care

may he carry you

as you carry the one you've lost

forever in your heart and always on your mind

let the tears flow

may you find room to grow with your grief

some days you're still in disbelief

may God be your anchor

as he navigates you through his peace

some days are ease

others allow yourself to release

your anger, confusion, devastation and grief

remember there is grace in your grief

there is grace for your grief

For my family. A year ago today, we lost my sister-in-law, Dawn way too soon.



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