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love communication relationships

This is a throwback #churchnotes and for some reason I can’t remember the title of this message but it contains a lot of truth, wisdom and good information. My family & I went to support this church for a special service they had. I pray it blesses you!


Apostle Michael Truss,

New Birth Christian Center in Oxford, AL

[ Love ] “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

- Love must be freely given

- To love, you must give

- Love cannot be forced

- “whosoever will, let him come” - it’s always available to you when you become thirsty enough

- forcing will never bring the results we desire without a negative impact / results

[ Prayer ]

- when we don’t pray, we’re saying we can handle life without God

- we need to have an active prayer life

- many people believe they can live life successful without God

- when we come to God in prayer, we’re telling him that we need him in our lives

- you have to invite him in

- I give God honor because he’s the head of my life and he’s the most important person in my life

- prayer gives you direction [Pray TOGETHER]

““Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.”

[ Relationships ]

- God will not force himself into your life

- forced relationships have no value

- when people can still walk in and out of your life, let them go

- stop chasing after people who don’t love you or don’t want to be with you

- if you have to force it, it has no value

[ Communication in Relationships ]

- - We Need to Talk About This - -

- we cannot have relationship without communication

- a relationship without communication = cannot grow together but will grow apart

- if you don’t talk, you’ll grow apart

- people struggle in relationships because they struggle to communicate

- if you don’t communicate there’s no intimacy (into me you see)

- lack of communication leads to a lack of intimacy

- you’re relationship won’t last long if you don’t talk

sitting at the table to eat and talk and not in front of the TV

Lack of Communication will result in

1. Escalated conflict due to emotional anger and frustration because you internalize things instead of talking (keeping an emotional score card/ you keep it in your emotional bank and then you explode)

- - causing a disturbance instead of keeping the peace

2. Negative perspective of your partner - you can’t really see the good they’re doing

3. Turning away from each others attempt to connect

4. Feeling unseen and unheard

5. Cannot set goals / reach goals if you don’t talk

a fish and a bird can fall in love but where are they going to live? LOL BUT FR THO!

- Satan didn’t attack Adam when he was alone, he attacked him when Eve came  because now they can reach their creative destiny

- We are destined to rule together

- 2 are better than 1

- communication brings agreement

If it keeps me from connecting with you, then it needs to be corrected

- How can we keep going if we’re not making necessary corrections?

- swallow your pride (you can’t do things to make up for what you said) it costs you less just to say sorry

- we need to be willing to correct it

- if we fix it, we’ll live like kings and queens

- come in agreement and God will grant what you’re asking for

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.”



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